
{ help ME }

Loving this adorable, postive chorechart {this is how i contribute to my family} that Lisa of Sweetbeets designed for her son. Download and customize yours for FREE here.

In our home we haven't used a chore chart specifically but we do have Sam help do things on a daily basis (not for allowance but just as being part of our family and helping to keep our home tidy) - things like making her bed before school, setting the table for dinner, helping fold laundry, helping play with Henry before bath time while we clean up from dinner, etc. We aim to make these things fun and work on them together - for example, she'll set the table and fold the cloth napkins while Will lights the candles and I put dinner on the table all while listening to music. What methods work at your house? Do your kids help out? Or is it a never ending battle?


amy and ann said...

Love this chore sheet, just printed three fo rmy three kiddos! thanks! amy

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting this on your blog! I find my 4yo is quite happy to help with some things. He loves chopping vegetables and cleaning the sinks! My 7yo is another story... I have to nag both kids to clean up their toys. So many times I've just done it myself. I must stop this! Hence the chore chart, almost as much a reminder to me as to them so that helping out is a bigger part of our everyday routine.

inkWELL Press said...

LOVE this! I'm off to go download my own. Great find Jenny!