
{ on my mind }

1. Love this post about Redefining Your Lovely Life.
2. Love this birthday camping party! Fun!
3. Great tips about traveling on long flights with kids. A must bookmark.
4. This picture via Lululemon is right on in my mind.
5. Love these stickers from Blue Raddish Studios!
6. Been studying this Middle East map & more world history lately...I'm determined to know way more than Sarah Palin. (ouch) :-)
6. I wrote about this before, but I love Suze Orman's take on kids allowance.
7. Love this post about building a "Capsule Wardrobe"....this is what I'm working on...everything coordinates, all are basic pieces with fun accents.
8. An awesome post from ManvsDebt about 24 quick things you can do right now to change your financial future.
9. And a great post with tips oh how to get "UN-busy."
10. And a post on 11 Reasons to take an around the world trip.
11. Love this post...Simple Living isn't about Deprivation.

image above discovered here + original source here

1 comment:

tawnya said...

It seems you might enjoy this book: http://www.amazon.com/Parenting-Breakthrough-Real-Life-Teach-Independent/dp/1590384415

This is what we use for our 4 year old. She has some great concepts about money and responsibility that seem to just make...sense. Anyway. I thought you might enjoy the suggestion!