
{ fit ME challenge - week 2 }

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." -Anonymous

So, its week 2 of p90x. I have to tell you that although I have been really sore, I feel good. Really good. I have way more energy than normal. I've already lost 3 lbs. My arms looked more toned. I can get out of bed at 5AM with a lot less bitching & moaning then when we started. Will says he feels like he has more energy too and feels great. I hope we can keep this pace up!

Our workout plan this week:
Monday - Chest & Ab (this one is the hardest for me - pushups, chinups & pullups)
Tuesday - Plyometrics (tons of lunges, squats & jumps. Hard to walk after this one.) + ab ripperX
Wednesday - Shoulders & Arms + 1/2 on elliptical trainer
Thursday - Yoga X (this is okay, just LONG - an hour & a half) + Ab Ripper X (YogaX is Will's least favorite)
Friday - Legs & Back
Saturday - Kenpo (which is like kickboxing) - this one is my favorite! + ab ripperX
Sunday - Stretch X & hike or sledding

You can follow my daily p90x triumphs and tribulations on twitter here. Also, its not too late to join in - you don't have do p90x. Just commit to doing SOMETHING everyday. Sweat once a day peeps. It's good for you. I promise. ;)

ps - Thanks for all of your support & encouragement! I love getting emails like this first thing in the morning from my fellow p90xer's - "Week 2 – I am starting to like my 5 am workout more and more – woot woot is right! I’ll check in tonight, have to get ready for work but just wanted to check in with you to let you know that I’m on track for week 2!! xo, Jana"


karen★ said...

you are doing great!! are you still doing the nutrition part as well? (i love kick boxing too...perfect for the backside!)

hav2sing said...

I have that quote, and found it was attributed to Jim Rohn

Love your blog... hoping feel as energetic as you write ;-)