
{ green ME }

"Ten Thoughts on Green Living" from Body + Soul magazine.
  1. Think about where your purchases came from- and where they're going.
  2. Never underestimate team effort when it comes to setting change in motion.
  3. Going green doesn't have to be difficult or hard; quite often, simple is best.
  4. Make it a goal to spend more time outdoors.
  5. Ask yourself how you can use, and reuse, what you already have.
  6. Living sustainably comes with learning to see the world in a new way.
  7. Rather than worry about the costs of going green, consider what you're investing in.
  8. In everything you do, align your actions with your personal philosophy.
  9. An ecofriendly life happens in stages- with one decision at a time.
  10. Many of our biggest problems get solved when we view ourselves as part of a whole.

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