
{ healthy habits & spring cleaning }

Here are some tips on creating healthy habits one day at a time and some spring cleaning tips one step at a time. And by the way, I don't agree with this sign...I sort of wish I did...but I can't function if my house is a disaster so I would waste my life not being functional at all. That being said, I would KILL for a cleaning lady! :-) Wouldn't we all?!?

And check out Sarah's spring renewal plan - great idea! What are your plans for spring renewal? What daily steps can you put into play that will help take care of YOU?


Anonymous said...

Ha ha that was a fun poster!!

Sarah said...

Thanks Jenny! I've got a spring cleaning recipe to post next..
xo s.

Stephanie said...

I agree...I can't function without a clean house. It clears my mind...

Good luck at the Stationery Show! I'd love to attend one year. Maybe next? Still loving your MomME planner!