Airfare: $ 534.00
Hotel: $337.00
Shuttle: $76.00
Park passes: $300.00
Crappy food in park: $50.00
Bottled h20 in park: $4.00 each
6 princess figurines & glow in the dark magic wand: $23.95
Poolside cocktails after long days at disneyland: $17.00
The look on Sam's face upon seeing disneyland for the first time....PRICELESS.
More on our trip to disneyland later this week - trying to get unpacked & re-nested (my favorite thing to do after getting back home), catch up on laundry, catch up on emails & work. Suffice to say, Sam had a blast & Will and I survived! ;-)
that top picture? like daughter like father! so cute!
so cute! post more pics! plus she should be a mastercard commercial!
so cute! post more pics! plus she should be a mastercard commercial!
I don't think you can put a price on her face in the photos!
way too cute.
I am sooooooo happy that it was worth it....her face truly is priceless!!! XXOO
this is such a timely post for us as we are in the great debate of when to take our little guy. he's 4. i thought maybe it would be better to wait a little but frankly daddy is too excited to wait.
; )
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