
{ pulling a mo }

I'm pulling a Maureen (her nickname in high-school was Mo) and using up all the stuff in our over-crowded fridge, freezer & pantry before buying anything else other than perishables (some fresh fruit, greens, milk & eggs weekly). I think that if I do this for a month, I will save money & use up all the stuff that we have - some of which has been around for awhile. I am going to have to be creative...But I did learn that if you type in a couple of ingredients in google, it comes up with different recipe options for you that include those ingredients. Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

sounds like a good idea - I should do that too!

Maggie Sumner said...

I'm with you on that one. Tonight, we're definitely having some kind of casserole left over from a wide assortment of things in the fridge. It will either be one of my best dishes ever or highly questionable! We'll see : )

LobotoME said...

Hi Maggie -

Yeah, I think that a lot of what I create will be questionable (but it is most of the time anyway!)

I am going to take inventory today of what I have and then look through recipes and try to meal plan for the next week or so and see what I can come up with and what I need to buy.

J :)