
{ Be grateful }

Today I was reminded of a very basic, simple principle...Be grateful...

Will woke me up this morning telling me he had some chest pains (and had been having them for a week or so)...with his family history of heart disease my thoughts jumped to the worst and I dragged him the the ER. After a day of tests, blood work and EKG's...they couldn't "find" anything wrong with him (thank goodness).

But it was a great reminder about how much I appreciate him and love him and am grateful to have him in my life...

The basic fact is that we don't know how much time we have here and with our loved ones... Be grateful, appreciate your loved ones, be kind, give lots of hugs and kisses each and everyday.

Need some tips on how to be more grateful? Click here.


Anonymous said...

oh my lord - so glad he is okay -thanks for the reminder.

RunLikeMama said...

Thank you for that reminder. I especially needed to hear it this morning.

I am relieved to hear that Will is okay, but sounds like your "Christmas Vacation" to Mexico should come sooner rather than later!

Anonymous said...

So glad Will is okay. That must have been scary... Thanks for the positive reminder...

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that Will is ok! It is really scary. The same thing happened to my husband about six months ago.
They ran a battery of tests and found nothing... but still, it got us thinking + being grateful.

Anonymous said...

glad he is okay - that same thing happened to my brother a few months ago (age 27 & healhty).

Anonymous said...

Glad he is okay too!