I just found out that we're getting more eggplants this week from my CSA. Luckily, I had this recipe saved in my favorite tweets! Thursday night dinner it is!
If you want to stop eating processed foods, may I suggest following FoodFacts.com on twitter? I believe they're on Facebook too. They'll pretty much ruin any processed food you eat, so click with caution!
Three year-old boy/girl twins bring all sorts of challenges. It's so hard when one struggles with something while the other gets it so easily. We went through it with potty training, and now it's riding tricycles. My daughter never had a problem with it, but my (very athletic & coordinated) son just can't get it. I think he gets distracted after the first pedal or two, and then the trike stops. Then it's frustration.
I encourage everyone to visit missrepresentation.org and sign the pledge. Also, set your DVRs to record the Miss Representation documentary on OWN this Thursday. Raising a daughter can be intimidating!
Our preschool's Fall Festival this Friday and I'm excited because it gives me an excuse to bake! I'm thinking my grandmother's famous Snickerdoodles and these. I've also heard that the Barefoot Contessa makes some awesome cake mixes, so I might do one of those too! (It doesn't count as cheating since the cookies will be from scratch).
I wish I had the motivation to try to make these, but I'm trying to keep it simple! What are your favorite treats to take to school?
image from here
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