
{ fit ME challenge - week 4 }

Live your Healthiest Year EVER! It's not too late to join us in our Fit ME Challenge. If you aren't up for p90x (and really, who the heck is?!?!), check out Jillian Michael's DVD's (1/2 hour workouts).

So, I've gone 31 days in a row working out. I've lost 3 lbs. I can do guy pushups. My jeans are way looser on me. I have way more energy. Still sore as all get out, but it's working.

And for all of you Fit ME challengers, here are a few other tips to help keep you fit, health & sane.

Keep track of your progress. But instead of focusing on the scales, track improvements in your performance (sets, reps, weights energy) and the way your clothes fit. At the end of Week 4 my weight hasn't changed much but my skinny jeans (my size 28 joe's that I could never squeeze into) fit...they aren't comfy by any means yet, but my body has definitely changed shaped already.

Excuse proof your environment. Schedule it in. I repeat, schedule it in. Everyday put some sort of fitness into your daily planner. Leave a packed gym bag in your car. Set our your running shoes and workout clothes the night before. Stock your fridge & pantry with healthy, clean foods.

Surround yourself with positive role models. Find inspiration in other women who motivate you to be your best. Workout with a buddy. Join an online fitness community. Or read blogs of fellow fit challengers.

January was AWESOME but February is going to be even BETTER! GO! ;)

image above © MikeBaird@Flickr via creative commons


amy and ann said...

funny. I ordered that DVD last week! ha ha. okay, so we are on the same page, as long as we work out every day well 6 days a week then we are doing better then before, pretty great actually! I am going between p90x, hot yoga and now hubby wants me to start jogging around the HS track with him a few days a week. So I am feeling pretty pumped! How are you doing with p90x?

LobotoME said...

hi amy - still doing p90x - swapped hot yoga with rest day/stretch X day this past weekend...
did chest, triceps today = HARD - one arm push ups - not likely!!! anyway, i'm onto week 4 of the p90x classic plan.