{aka...the I'd like to go out and buy a bunch of super cute fall clothes but I'm not going to edition, because we are going to MEXICO!}
"To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own even in the midst of abundance." - Buddha
So, its been awhile since I've done a spending hiatus update...I've been continuing to purge, sell some stuff on ebay and craigslist and donate a ton of stuff to goodwill and the woman's shelter. I haven't been shopping in {oh so long}. But, boy do those fall catalogs tempt ME. But, I'm resisting because we are SO ON TRACK to pay off all of our non-mortgage debt (school loans & cars) by Dec. 1st. So, to celebrate doing that and busting our butts to do that this year, Will & I are going to Mexico for a week this winter. Just him + ME. No children. We sort of feel guilty SPENDING $$$ on a vacation when we are kind of used to not spending anything (and when many people we know are struggling), but we will have it saved and set aside for the trip and we really feel strongly about the need to celebrate getting closer to financial independence and we just really, really want/need some time to ourselves. This is our first non-family trip since the kids were born. As Samme would say "For reals people."
Anyway, how are you all doing? I know some of you have been purging and some have been tempted by the fall goodies... Onward & upward people.
How completely and totally exciting! I can't even really imagine how that would feel. Hubby and I occasionally go there on a "wouldn't it be nice" tangent, but haven't made any real plans to travel since having kids. I'm proud of you for making the plans. How awesome to look forward to!
Mexico alone - no kids!! too fun.
way to go on your spending hiatus.
I am still on it - out of necessity though : ) debt is being paid down which matters to me most!
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