In light of National Ovarian Cancer Month I wanted to let you all know about a great book I recently discovered - Crazy Sexy Cancer by Kris Carr.
Actress and photographer Kris Carr thought she had a hangover, but a Jivamukti yoga class didn’t provide its usual kick-ass cure. A visit to her doctor confirmed her “liver looked like Swiss cheese,” covered with cancerous tumors. She entered trench warfare (wearing cowboy boots into the MRI machine, no less), vowing, “Cancer needed a makeover and I was just the gal to do it!” She began writing and filming her journey, documenting her interactions with friends, doctors, alternative “quacks,” blind dates, and other women with cancer—sadly a growing group.
In her own words: "Life is messy and fabulous right? Gorgeous and staggering at times too. Don't ya wish you had a compass to help you navigate as you giddy up down the dusty highway? Well here it is, Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips is the ultimate girlfriends guide to kicking cancer tail. Part memoir, part tips, tricks and secrets, this delicious handbook will educate you and make ya feel like you're not alone as you giggle and scribble down the valuable insights. I am proud to say that my posse is growing, 13 unbelievable survivor babes contribute to my cancer adventure story. Join our cancer stitch n' bitch, pass the book along to someone who needs it and let's create a national cancer posse!"
For information on Kris Carr and her journey through cancer visit her website .
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