
Headed West...

So, I'm away from the office for about 2 weeks - part play, part work and lots of time in the car & on planes with our 3 1/2 year old (wish us luck). We are off to the Outdoor Retailer Show in Salt Lake City and then are flying to Alaska to visit Will's family, then back to Utah for the Xterra Traithlon. I'm really going to try and RELAX in Alaska and enjoy myself. Here are some things I would like to accomplish during my RELAXING vacation with the in-laws (I know, I know...Accomplish & Relax are in the same sentence!)

create - 2008 lobotoME notepads

plan - 2008 schedule (GPS events; LobotoME tradeshows; raft trip; travel and more FUN!)

chill - relax, sleep, read, journal & spend quality time with Will & Sam

fitness - yoga, meditation, hiking, running and hopefully kayaking in Alaska

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have an awesome vacation jenny! can't wait to hear about your trip to alaska!
luv, becky